Team Spotlight: Sarah Dimond, Senior Customer Success Manager

Team Spotlight: Sarah Dimond, Senior Customer Success Manager
Jan 18, 2024
In this month's spotlight, we spoke to Sarah Dimond, Senior Customer Success Manager.

“My role as customer success manager is to build a great working relationship with customers, by understanding their objectives and goals, I can support them in achieving success.”

Customer Success Manager, Sarah works with customers to ensure they are utilising Clue, helping to protect society from harm.

Read our conversation with Sarah below, which includes an interesting fact!


Hi Sarah, tell us a bit about your background.

My background has always involved supporting customers to be successful through software, varying from providing support to customers in primary care in the NHS, supporting and training customers to use governance, risk and compliance software in local authorities and helping customers streamline their warehouse management and logistics solutions across the UK.


What does your role at Clue entail? How does it benefit our customers?

My role as customer success manager is to build a great working relationship with customers, by understanding their objectives and goals, I can support them in achieving success. I learn about their business process through our evaluation process and suggest ways to utilise Clue to align with their business process, this is all documented in a success plan, and we meet regularly to discuss progress. I also facilitate some of our fantastic community groups in particular DEFRA where they have a shared goal of working less in silo’s by sharing data and intelligence within the group. We share this goal with them and hope to achieve this throughout our community. I also am the voice the customer within Clue passing on critical themes that I that I pick up from speaking to customers improvements that are needed within the product.


What excites you about working at Clue?

Clue is without a doubt the best company I have worked for. I get to speak to such inspiring people on a daily basis and I feel proud to support them in protecting society from harm.  Clue is a company that really cares both about our customers but also about its employees and that motivates me the most.


What’s your secret talent no one knows about?

I can stand on my head for a few minutes, recently impressing my daughter who is progressing well in our local gymnastics club.


In terms of successes, which accomplishments are you most proud of?

On a personal level I once cycled 100km around London to raise money for women’s cancer.  This took a lot of time and effort to get to a reasonable fitness level to be able to complete, but it was my proudest achievement.


If you’re interested in joining Sarah and the team at Clue, head over to our careers page to view current vacancies. 

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