Clue Head of Sport joins safeguarding tech panel at SSI 2023

Clue Head of Sport joins safeguarding tech panel at SSI 2023
Sep 26, 2023
Phil Suddick joined experts to explore the crucial role of innovative technology at the leading forum for safe sport.

The 2023 Safe Sport International Global Safe Sport Conference, held in London from September 18-20, focused on the theme of “Hope and Healing: Supporting Athletes & Transforming Sports Cultures.”

This conference is renowned for its leadership in global safeguarding approaches, offering a platform to discuss safe sport practices and the importance of making sports a safe environment for all participants.

The event featured keynotes, panel discussions, and workshops, addressing various aspects of athlete safety and well-being. Our Head of Sport Phil Suddick was among the distinguished panel of experts tackling The Role of Technology in Safeguarding.

Leading safeguarding experts talk about technology

Chaired by Chiel Warners, Vice Chair of Safe Sport International and Dutch former Olympic athlete, Phil joined Blake Davidson, Executive Vice President of Real Response, Kath Bennett, Safeguarding Manager for the England Rugby Football Union, and Jonathan Hirschler, CEO of Signify AI.

In the session, Phil and other experts in safeguarding technology explored the crucial role of innovative software in enhancing athlete safety and creating safer sporting environments.

The discussion highlighted how safeguarding operations have huge potential to be enhanced by innovative technology, including facilitating trusted reporting mechanisms, identifying risks from datasets, improving transparency in intelligence sharing, and streamlining investigations. Attendees walked away with insights into the cutting-edge safeguarding technology available today and its significant contribution to safer sports through prevention.

Phil’s participation, along with other industry leaders, underscored Clue’s commitment to advancing technology’s role in safeguarding athletes and promoting a safer sports culture.

“Over the two days, it was amazing to see so many people devoted to the safeguarding and protection of athletes and their sports,” said Phil.

“The lived-in experience of some of the athletes was truly humbling and will ensure that we at Clue will continue to strive to make our product even better and more athlete-focused.”

Rewatch our safeguarding in sport webinar

On April 4, Clue hosted a webinar that brought together leading safeguarding experts to discuss the state of safeguarding in sport, and explore opportunities to improve safe sport culture supported by technology and data.

Chaired by Safe Sport International’s own Anne Tiivas OBE, attendees could hear from Dion Raitt, who shared his first-hand experiences of child sexual abuse (CSA) as a youth footballer and provided critical advice for sports organisations to enhance their safeguarding practices. Rewatch it here.

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