Richard McLaren to join anti-doping webinar

Richard McLaren to join anti-doping webinar
Aug 17, 2023
The preeminent sports law expert is well-known for his investigation into state-sponsored doping in Russian sports.

Richard McLaren OC, a distinguished figure in the realm of sports law and anti-doping efforts, will be joining our upcoming anti-doping webinar (5 October).

The Sochi Winter Olympics doping scandal

In 2015, McLaren played a pivotal role as one of the three members of the WADA Commission, an independent panel commissioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency tasked with investigating allegations of state-sponsored doping in Russian sports, shedding light on systemic issues and raising awareness about the importance of fair play in athletics.

Following the investigation, the groundbreaking McLaren Report exposed a deeply rooted system of state-sponsored subversion of drug testing processes by the Russian government during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.

A second independent report in 2016 revealed widespread cover-ups benefiting over a thousand Russian competitors across various sports, spanning from 2011 to 2015.

An impactful career in sports integrity and anti-doping

McLaren’s impact on the world of sports integrity and anti-doping spans several decades and his expertise has been sought by various international bodies.

He has served as a member of the Court of Arbitration for Sport, contributing his insights to matters of sports arbitration. He played a crucial role in uncovering the cover-up of steroid usage by American track athletes at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney and participated in an investigation into drug use in Major League Baseball.

In 2014, McLaren founded McLaren Global Sport Solutions, an organisation aimed at consulting with sports entities on ethical matters and was appointed as the Integrity Officer to FIBA in 2020.

Currently holding the position of a law professor at Western University in Ontario, Canada, McLaren’s dedication to upholding the principles of fairness and ethics in sports has led to him being recognised with the prestigious Order of Canada.

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