Team Spotlight: Iona Mott, Director of Support

Team Spotlight: Iona Mott, Director of Support
Jun 15, 2023
We tilt the team spotlight on Iona Mott, Clue’s Director of Support.

In the newly appointed role of Director of Support, customer service guru Iona will continue driving the quality of our customer experience.

In the following Q&A, we get to know a bit more about Iona, her background, achievements, inspirations, and more.

Hi Iona, welcome again to the team! Can you tell us a bit about your background?

My DNA is in Customer Service. Before joining Clue, I was working in B2B SaaS for Fitness and Wellbeing and, before that, in the Global Mobility space. However, my earlier years saw me travelling Europe teaching English as a foreign language.

What does your role as Director of Support entail?

I am responsible for our customer’s experience when they interact with our Support desk. That means creating best-practice processes for troubleshooting issues and working with our internal support teams to resolve complex issues with a focus on driving customer excellence.

Who or what inspired the career path you have followed?

At secondary school, our Latin teacher made it his mission for all students to know the poem ‘Desiderata’ by Max Ehrmann in 1927. The forty-six-line poem is a long commentary about how one should consider their day-to-day life, including how to keep what’s important in front of the mind and balance one’s career, inner peace, and aspirations.

“Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time,” or ‘Whatever your occupation, treasure it and always do your best.’

Great advice. Are there any achievements you’re really proud of?

The development of our people in a previous role led to an increase in NPS score from 0 to 27 in just 12 months – that’s a big leap.

What excites you about working at Clue?

Our Product vision and strategy demonstrates how exciting the future at Clue is, not just for our customers but for our internal teams too. Delighting our customers at every level is at the heart of everything we do, with their success being a core value that runs throughout the business.

Tell me something about you that most people don’t know…

Having a Scottish accent, all the foreign students I taught English had a slight Scottish twang!

Interested in joining Iona and the team at Clue? Look at our latest openings here.

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