Why we must normalise reporting safeguarding concerns in sport

Why we must normalise reporting safeguarding concerns in sport
May 16, 2023
Following our Safeguarding in Sport webinar, we reflect on key talking points. In this blog, we explore why normalising the reporting of safeguarding concerns is key for progressing safe sport culture.

Sport is meant to be a source of joy, teamwork, and personal growth. It brings people together, fosters camaraderie, and offers opportunities for individuals to showcase their skills and passion. However, like any other domain of human interaction, sport is not immune to instances of misconduct, abuse, and safeguarding concerns.

To address these issues effectively, it is crucial to normalise the reporting of safeguarding concerns in sport. This was a key message from panellists in our recent Safeguarding in Sport webinar.

You can rewatch the webinar here.  

Despite the significant strides made in safeguarding awareness and the implementation of ‘no-blame’ reporting mechanisms for low-level concerns, the fear of reprisals still looms large in the minds of individuals who witness or experience potential misconduct.

This fear can manifest in various ways, including concerns about damage to one’s reputation, negative impact on career opportunities, or strained personal relationships. These apprehensions often serve as deterrents, preventing people from coming forward and reporting their concerns.

To overcome this hesitancy, it is imperative to create an environment where reporting safeguarding concerns is not only encouraged but also seen as a normal and responsible course of action.

Leading safeguarding by example

This begins with fostering a positive and supportive culture surrounding safeguarding. Leaders within sports organisations need to take an active role in openly discussing and promoting the importance of safeguarding.

By keeping the issue on the agenda, they set the tone for the entire organisation and signal that safeguarding is a top priority.

When individuals see that their leaders take safeguarding seriously, they are more likely to feel confident in reporting any concerns they may have. They will know that their voices will be heard, their concerns will be taken seriously, and they will be treated with respect. This reassurance is crucial in building trust and breaking down the barriers that prevent people from coming forward.

Keeping the conversation going

Normalising the reporting of safeguarding concerns goes beyond creating a supportive environment; it also involves making safeguarding a fundamental and integrated part of sports activities. By embedding safeguarding practices and awareness into the fabric of sports organisations, from grassroots to elite levels, we ensure that concerns are identified and addressed as early as possible. This early intervention is vital in protecting the well-being and safety of individuals involved in sports.

To achieve this, it is important to encourage dialogue and discussion about safeguarding topics. Training sessions, workshops, and educational programs should be implemented to raise awareness and equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and report safeguarding concerns.

By openly discussing these matters, we remove the stigma surrounding reporting and foster an environment where individuals feel empowered to speak out.

Trusted reporting and case management systems

Confidential reporting and robust case management systems like Clue plays a vital role in supporting individuals who wish to report safeguarding concerns in sports.

Knowing that their identity will be protected and their information handled confidentially can alleviate fears and encourage more individuals to come forward. Confidential reporting channels provide a safe space for individuals to share their concerns without the fear of retaliation or negative consequences.

Additionally, implementing a well-structured case management process ensures that reported concerns are appropriately handled and investigated, and individuals can trust in the process. This includes assigning trained professionals to oversee the cases, conducting thorough investigations, and taking necessary actions to address the issues raised.

By offering confidential reporting and effective case management, sports organisations demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding and providing individuals with the necessary support to navigate the reporting process with confidence.

Promoting safeguarding reporting ‘off the field’

Promoting the importance of reporting cannot be limited to the internal dynamics of sports organisations. It should extend to the wider sports community, including fans, spectators, and media. When reporting safeguarding concerns becomes a societal expectation, it reinforces the idea that everyone has a responsibility to protect the integrity of sports and ensure the well-being of its participants.

Final thoughts

By creating a positive and supportive environment where safeguarding is seen as a normal part of sports activities, we can break down the barriers that prevent individuals from reporting concerns.

Encouraging dialogue, promoting the importance of reporting, and integrating safeguarding practices and technology into the fabric of sports organisations will not only protect individuals but also safeguard the integrity and future of sports itself.

We must strive for a safe sport culture where safeguarding concerns are recognised, addressed, and ultimately eliminated, making sports a safe and inclusive space for all.

Clue helps sports organisations achieve better outcomes from intelligence and investigations intocorruption, match manipulation, doping, and safeguarding concerns. 

Learn more about Clue for Safeguarding in Sport, and chat with our Head of Sport, Phil Suddick at[email protected] 

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