Tackling identity fraud with the Home Office

Tackling identity fraud with the Home Office
Jan 23, 2023
Clue Head of Policing and Government to discuss tackling identity fraud with Home Office Deputy Director at Counter Fraud 2023 conference.

At the Counter Fraud Conference 2023, at QEII Centre London on 22nd February, Clue will host a ‘fireside chat’ to explore Early Intervention to Tackle Identity Fraud with the Home Office and the Wider Implications for Public Sector Fraud.

Matt Horne, Head of Policing and Government, Clue, former Deputy Director of Investigations, National Crime Agency and Mark Newton, Deputy Director, responsible for ‘Public Protection and Standards’ within HMPO General Registry Office and Citizen Departments of the Home Office will discuss current challenges of identity fraud in the public sector – and the benefits of a partnership approach for wider society.

Attendees will hear first-hand how the Home Office and wider counter fraud community employs technology and data sharing to protect against identity fraud. Learnings will include:

  • How the Home Office achieves earlier intervention with joined up data and intelligence.
  • The advantage of adopting a ‘dare to share’ mindset to increase security and resilience.
  • The growing and powerful role of automation to accelerate investigative outcomes.

“I am looking forward to discussing best practice and current thinking with Mark Newton, and sharing practical tips with conference delegates from across government,” said Matt Horne.

Counter Fraud Conference 2023

Upcoming webinar: Combatting fraud with data and intelligence

In 2023, we will see fraud reclassified as a national security threat as criminals continue exploiting the crime type with devastating human and economic consequences.

On March 28th (2 PM BST), a 90-minute webinar chaired by financial crime expert Ian Dyson QPM, a Distinguished Fellow at RUSI (Royal United Services Institute) and former City of London Police Commissioner, Clue will invite economic crime and fraud prevention experts from the counter-fraud community to discuss the ways in which fraud can be prevented with data- and intelligence-led approaches.

Register for the webinar

This webinar forms the first of a series led by influential subject matter experts, where Clue will explore and share practical advice on preventing the evolving spectrum of economic crime, including fraud, money laundering and corruption.

The purpose of each webinar will be to establish current threat landscapes while exploring practical examples of teams and organisations that are leading with preventative tactics.

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